How My New Glasses Helped Me See

Until yesterday, the last time I bought new eyeglasses was about 10 years ago. My girlfriend and I had the same vision insurance and we made a day of going to Costco to shop and pick out new frames together. I would say I liked them, but I didn’t love them. I wore them every night and occasionally substituted them for my contacts when I went to work during the day. Over time I wore them less and started to disregard them more. I would toss them on my nightstand or throw them casually into my purse, instead of placing them safely in their case. They got scratched, their protective coating started to wear off, and they were not what you would call clean. I could barely see. I continued to wear them. It took me another five years to replace them.
So five years ago I realized I could barely see through my glasses and I just got a new pair yesterday? Have I mentioned procrastination is my tragic flaw? Sigh. Every time I put them on I thought about getting new ones. There were so many days I wanted to wear my glasses out of the house instead of my contacts but I was embarrassed. Visibly scratched, old, dirty glasses I could barely see through were not meant to be worn in public. In fact, I shouldn’t even be talking about them.
Here I am five years later with my new glasses feeling cute, comfortable, and most importantly, I can see well. What was I waiting for? What is it that holds me back from taking the steps to take care of myself, to make my life just a little bit better, to give myself the care and resources I need to make it through this life? I can’t answer those questions today but I could probably spend the rest of my life trying to come up with the answers. What a waste that would be. No, I’ve done enough thinking, the answers won’t just appear. I have to go find them.
Life is hard you guys, even when life is good it’s still hard. Even when we have it good, it’s still hard. And man does it go fast. (Remember, 5 years? Whoosh.) We all need to take care of ourselves first before we can take care of each other. And this world needs some serious taking care of right now. This is the clarity my new glasses have given me. Amazing right? Where would I be if I had gotten them sooner? What answers would I have already? A little bit of self-care can take us all kinds of places and teach us all kinds of things.
Now that I have new glasses on my face, I think it’s time for a haircut.


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