Hi. I'm Courtney. I'm glad you're here.


I started this blog partially out of boredom and partially to see what would happen. I’m essentially the anti-travel blogger since I’m basically a recluse and I wouldn't even dream about calling my yoga pant wearing, non-made up face a fashion blogger.


I suck at small talk so I write about real talk, life without kids, relationships, life in general and more. Don't worry, you'll find humor and snark here too.


I spent a loooooooong time single before I met my husband. I know how hard life can be, especially when you're in it alone. I believe in second chances and I try to learn from my mistakes.


I think women make the world go round.


I talk about Brené Brown enough that it might make her uncomfortable.


Love wins and I'm sad to say I didn't always feel that way.


I live with my husband and puggle in my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA. Want to chat? Find me on Twitter! Want to see too many pictures of my dog? Head over to Instagram.